Hvað hefur Hjaltland að bjóða ferðamanninum? – Vísindi og grautur
Sjötta erindi vetrarins í fyrirlestrarröðinni Vísindi og grautur, sem haldið er af Ferðamáladeild Háskólans á Hólum, verður haldið í dag þriðjudaginn 13. apríl klukkan 13. Þar mun Andrew Jennings, lektor við „University of Highlands and Islands“ í Skotlandi flytja erindið: „Shetland tourism - What does Shetland have to offer the tourist and what has been the impact of Covid-19?“
Fyrirlesturinn verður haldinn á ensku í Zoom fjarfundabúnaði og er slóðin eftirfarandi: https://eu01web.zoom.us/j/64554917100
Upplýsingar um fyrirlesturinn á ensku:
Shetland has many things to offer the tourist, but it has natural challenges because of its geographical position and the cost of travel. The tourism industry has undertaken research about how to overcome the challenges and was hopeful for the future, and then Covid-19 struck. This has had a big impact on the island’s tourism industry. This talk will explore the current situation.
Dr Andrew Jennings is a lecturer with the Institute for Northern Studies UHI, and is based in Lerwick, Shetland's capital. He is the programme leader on the MLitt Viking Studies, Island Studies, Orkney and Shetland Studies and Highlands and Islands Literature. He has a particular research interest in the Early Medieval History of the Scottish Islands, with an emphasis on place-names and the Vikings. He wrote his PhD on 'Gael and Norse in Western Scotland c.795 to c.1000'. His other research interests include Island Studies, with a particular focus on the islands of the North Atlantic and the Baltic, the history of the North Atlantic between the years 500-1200, Norse Mythology, Folklore of the Northern Isles, Gaelic Culture, and the history of Shetland.
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