Fjallað um ferðamál í fyrirlestrarröðinni Vísindi og grautur
Miðvikudaginn 16. mars nk. kl. 11.00 mun Jessica Aquino nýráðinn starfsmaður Ferðamáladeildar Háskólans á Hólum og Selaseturs Íslands halda fyrirlestur í fyrirlestraröðinni Vísindi og graut, sem hún nefnir „Volunteer Tourists’ Perceptions of their Impacts in Vulnerable Communities.“ Fyrirlesturinn verður haldinn í stofu 302 og eru allir hjartanlega velkomnir.
Eftirfarandi er enskur úrdráttur um fyrirlesturinn:
"Volunteer Tourists’ Perceptions of their Impacts in Vulnerable Communities"
Using a phenomenological approach, this study examines the experiences of volunteer tourists in host communities using social representations theory. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with volunteer tourists on perceived impacts in the vulnerable favela (slum) communities of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This study was developed to address a need for further research that critically looks at the social impacts of volunteer tourism in vulnerable communities.
It addresses the following question: How does volunteer tourism influence a vulnerable community from the perspective of the volunteers? Findings show that there are both positive and negative impacts of volunteer tourism in favela communities, with the majority of volunteers expressing positives and its importance to the community.
Notably, however, the majority of the volunteers in this study had difficulty describing how volunteer tourism has benefited the community beyond their own individual contributions, and it was difficult for them to see the broader implications of volunteer tourism.
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